REITS ( Real Estate Investment Trusts) are the derivation of commercial rental yields by investment made in those properties. The rental yield as of now is not very high and the possibility of a good appreciation in your investment over a period of 10 years is not likely. Compared to REITs, the sensex and Equity funds have been doing excellently well. So in that sense, the investment in Equity funds can turnout to be more rewarding as compared to REITs.
SIP enables an investor to average out the cost of his investments via disciplined purchases, particularly when the market is down. If markets rally, the NAV increases and the investor gets fewer units for each subsequent SIP instalment. The reverse happens when the market corrects. When you accumulate units in a correction phase, you get more units while prices are down. Hence, you should continue your SIP if you are investing for the long term (more than seven to ten years) as you would benefit from buying units cheap. You should evaluate the performance of the fund vis-à-vis that of its respective category peers. If a fund has been performing poorly on a consistent basis, you may switch to a better performing one.
The NAV of gold ETFs as disclosed by mutual funds is based on the prices of the underlying assets and the number of units in the ETF. Gold ETFs do not have any lock-in period and can be sold on the exchange or directly to the mutual fund. Since the minimum amount for a direct transaction with the mutual fund is high; for retail investors it is best to sell their units on the secondary market platform.
A nominee cannot invest in the investor’s account, post the investor’s demise. A nominee can claim the units by completing the necessary formalities; such as completion of the KYC process, proof of death of the unit holder, signature of the nominee duly attested, and such other documents as may be required for transmitting the units in favour of the nominee.
After the transfer of the units, your son can hold the investments under his name and may invest further. In case no nomination is made, the units would be transmitted to the account of the legal heir(s), basis whether the deceased person has left behind a Will and as per applicable succession law.
Evaluation of Mirae Assets Focused Fund
First we will provide you with some facts and then we shall give our guidance.
This Scheme was Launched in May 2019
It manages Rs. 8256 crore at present.
Investment Pattern :
The fund has invested in 30 scrips and its major focus is on Finance,technology and Energy sector where it has invested 31.01 %, 15.02%, 9.28 % respectively of its funds.
Allocation of Funds
In Giant stocks : 45.54%
In Large Cap stocks : 23.10 %
In Midcap stocks : 27.32 % and
In Small Cap stocks : 4.03 %
Past Performance:
Fund has provided 30.42 % return p.a. since its launch.
During last one year, it has provided return of 34.92%
Our Observations:
Considering expectation of strong trend at the stock market during 2022,, we expect select large stocks to perform exceeding well .As per the objectives, the fund has higher focus on large cap as well as Giant stocks. Accordingly, this scheme may provide you good returns in the next year. However SBI focused Equity Fund,Parag Parikh Flexicap fund which manages much higher sum has earned much higher return during last one year and during other time frames. so, we suggest You should also consider alternative fund houses along with this fund.
Evaluation of DSP Small Cap Fund
First we will provide you with some facts and then we shall give our guidance.
This Scheme was Launched in January 2013
It manages Rs. 8353 crore at present.
Investment Pattern :
The fund has invested in 64 scrips and its major focus is on chemicals, Automobiles & Textile sector where it has invested 18.77 %, 9.63%, 9.20 % respectively of its funds.
Allocation of Funds
In Giant stocks : 0%
In Large Cap stocks : 0 %
In Midcap stocks : 39.81 % and
In Small Cap stocks : 59.73 %
Past Performance:
Fund has provided 24 % return p.a. since its launch.
During last 5 years, it has provided return of 18.64 % and during last one year, it has provided return of 60.98%
Our Observations:
Considering expectation of strong trend at the stock market during 2022,, we expect small cap stocks to perform exceeding well .As per the objectives, the fund has higher focus on Midcap as well as Small cap stocks. Accordingly, this scheme may provide you good returns in the next year. However Nippon India small cap Fund,Kotak Small Cap funds and Tata Small Cap funds which manages much higher sum has earned much higher return during last one year and during other time frames. so, we suggest You should consider alternative fund houses for small cap funds investments
Evaluation of Aditya birla Gennext
First we will provide you with some facts and then we shall give our guidance.
This Scheme was Launched in January 2013
It manages Rs. 2523 crore at present.
Investment Pattern :
The fund has invested in 71 scrips and its major focus is on Financial ,FMCG & Services sector where it has invested 24.24%, 23.98%, 13.36 % respectively of its funds.
Allocation of Funds
In Giant stocks : 40.22 %
In Large Cap stocks : 23.70%
In Midcap stocks : 29.27 % and
In Small Cap stocks : 6.81%
Past Performance:
Fund has provided 18.72 % return p.a. since its launch.
During last 5 years, it has provided return of 19.95% and during last one year, it has provided return of 31.54%
Our Observations:
This is a fund that invests mainly in the shares of consumer-facing companies .Inspite of expectation of strong trend at the stock market during 2022, such narrow focus is not advisable. We expect Finance , FMCG & Services stocks to perform exceeding well . the fund has been average performer. Alternatively ,Mirae Great Consumer fund has provided return of 34.91 % during last one year and during other time frames. I suggest stop SIPs and start investing in some other funds with wider focus ( eg HDFC top 100,ICICI Bluechip fund etc)
Good questions. Many of the investors do not understand the difference.
An actively managed fund means a fund manager has more involvement in the decision making, is more active in looking after which stocks and bonds go in and out of a mutual fund portfolio and when. In passively managed funds, the fund manager cannot decide the movement of the underlying assets.
Studies show that active funds that invest in small and midsize companies, foreign shares and intermediate-term bonds, for instance, have had more success beating their benchmarks than funds in other market segments. However do understand that success of any fund largely depend on the capability of the fund manager. If the fund manager is Dabba, then even actively managed funds cannot provide better returns.
Evaluation of SBI Small Cap Fund
First we will provide you with some facts and then we shall give our guidance.
This Scheme was Launched in January 2013
It manages Rs. 10878 crore at present.
Investment Pattern :
The fund has invested in 48 scrips and its major focus is on Consumer durables ,chemicals & Construction sector where it has invested 16.04%, 12.99%, 12.61 % respectively of its funds.
Allocation of Funds
In Giant stocks : 0%
In Large Cap stocks : 0 %
In Midcap stocks : 48.52 % and
In Small Cap stocks : 51.48 %
Past Performance:
Fund has provided 27.88% return p.a. since its launch.
During last 5 years, it has provided return of 25.85 % and during last one year, it has provided return of 47.64%
Our Observations:
Considering expectation of strong trend at the stock market during 2022,, we expect small cap stocks to perform exceeding well .As per the objectives, the fund has higher focus on Midcap as well as Small cap stocks. Accordingly, this scheme may provide you good returns in the coming years. However Nippon India small cap Fund,Kotak Small Cap funds and Tata Small Cap funds which manages much higher sum has earned nuch higher return during last one year and during other time frames. so, we suggest You should consider alternative fund houses for small cap funds investments
Evaluation of HDFC Top100 fund
First we will provide you with some facts and then we shall give our guidance.
This Scheme was Launched in January 2013
It manages Rs. 20607 crore at present.
Investment Pattern :
The fund has invested in 49 scrips and its major focus is on Financial ,Energy & Technology sectors where it has invested 33.51%, 23.03%, 13.14 % respectively of its funds.
Allocation of Funds
In Giant stocks : 69.68 %
In Large Cap stocks : 18.42 %
In Midcap stocks : 11.90 % and
In Small Cap stocks : 0 %
Past Performance:
Fund has provided 13.90% return p.a. since its launch which is not quite impressive
During last 5 years, it has provided return of 15.40 % and during last one year, it has provided return of 30.44%
Our Observations:
Due to its focus on Gian and large cap stocks, the returns , this fund has achieved is reasonable and satisfactory. Considering expectation of strong trend at the stock market during 2022,, we expect Finance, & technology stocks to perform exceeding well . . The fund has higher focus on giant as well as large stocks. Accordingly, this scheme may provide you good returns in the coming years. However ICICI Bluechip fund has earned return of 30.86% during last one year and during5 years period Axis bluechip funds has earned return of 22.34 % much higher than this fund. You may also consider these funds along with HDFC Top 100.