Review of Axis CRISIL-IBX AAA Bond NBFC-HFC-Jun 2027 Index Fund NFO @ by Paresh Gordhandas, C.A., Research Analyst.
[ A ] Benchmark Performance of CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC-HFC – Jun 2027
“CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC-HFC Index – Jun 2027” is a sectoral/thematic target maturity index that seeks to track the performance of AAA issuers from the NBFC & HFC sectors only, maturing near target date of the index
Inception date: 03-Dec-2024
Asset Allocation: 100% Bonds
Eligible period/lookback period: The index will have securities maturing between 1st January 2027 to 30th June 2027.
Eligibility criteria:
• Issuers in the NBFC (as available in the RBI list of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)) and HFC (as available in the list mentioned on the website) sector with long term conservative rating of AAA with a minimum issuer-level total amount outstanding of Rs. 400 crores for securities maturing in the eligible period.
• Minimum security level amount outstanding of Rs. 100 crores.
• Only listed issuers shall be included in the index. An issuer will be considered to be listed if at least one security of such issuer is listed on NSE and/or BSE as evaluated at the inception date of the index.
Note on Benchmark Performance:
[ B ] Performance Review of the Fund Managers of this NFO
Past Performance of Aditya Pagaria
Fund | Axis Liquid Fund | It’s Benchmark | Axis Treasury Advantage Fund | It’s Benchmark |
1 Year | 7.41 | 4.90 | 7.77 | 4.90 |
3 Year | 6.33 | 3.87 | 6.26 | 3.87 |
5 Year | 5.33 | 3.36 | 5.97 | 3.36 |
7 Year | 5.83 | 3.62 | 6.57 | 3.62 |
10 Year | 6.36 | 3.96 | 6.94 | 3.96 |
As on 5-12-2024
Note on Fund Managers’ performance